CA News Forum is a gathering place to share and discuss current international news events. This is a moderated forum with rules that are designed to encourage respectful conversations between Members. This is a privately owned site and being a part of this Community is a privilege, not a right. Privileges will be revoked either temporarily or permanently for those who find our rules too cumbersome.
We encourage Member participation, both through posting comments and authoring interesting discussions for others to read and comment about. Any Member in good standing who has registered for an account may author new discussions, comment on the various discussions available, and respond to other commenters.
With the exception of our daily Off Topic thread, this channel is specifically for discussing news events. It is not a personal blog or a soapbox for people to share whatever is on their minds — there are other sites on the internet for that. We hope that you will explore our site and choose to join our Community.
Our site allows Members to upvote the comments of others to express agreement, support or to simply thank someone for their reply. We have chosen not to allow downvotes, as we prefer to provide a positive experience for all of our Members. In order to recognize their contributions to the community, we have created a ranking system that acknowledges Members as their vote counts reach certain milestones. The chart below shows the ranking system. Our older ranks of Green Star and Blue Star have been retired from service to accommodate the higher vote counts over time.

CA News Forum – Management Team

There are a variety of ways to contact the site owners and/or moderator. You can “shout-out” to us using the commenting system by copying one of our ID slugs and pasting it into any comment, whether on a discussion page or on the Help Desk page. For private communications you can send us an email at which is only accessible by the owner.